Achieve more Happiness in your Work: Using the Power of Creativity

Now more than ever in work and business, one thing stands out as a key driver of success: Feeling a sense of happiness oil what you do. When your work no longer inspires you, it can become an emotional challenge, which can lead to burnout. Imagine, it was just over a year ago, I left my lifelong career in the public sector due to this same reason - feeling unhappy and uninspired.‌

Using creativity is the ability to think differently, and create new and original ideas and solutions. Gone are the days when your workplace is simply a space for tasks and to-do lists. For many forward-thinking creatives who realise the importance of happiness in the workplace.

A happy workplace is no longer a 'nice-to-have', it's a key part of your long-term strategy that directly impacts productivity, creativity, and how people engage with you. As a former public sector worker, and current entrepreneur, creating happiness that runs throughout your business can improve sustainability future proof your growth. Tis blog covers some of the crucial elements that contribute to happiness in your work and business, focusing on the interplay of culture, branding, and creativity.

1. Create a Positive Culture: Happiness from Within

The culture of a company is the true heartbeat that drives the overall identity, values, and behaviours - like the heart and soul of your company that both connects and holds together people. When you cultivate a positive culture at work, where there is a sense of belonging, value, and shared purpose - this can increase your engagement and motivation. Here are my top tips:

Make an Inclusive, Creative and Diverse Workplace: Valuing and celebrating different ideas and perspectives to create a culture that enhances creativity and problem-solving and allows innovation.

Clear Values and Purpose: Helping people understand and connect with your company's values and purpose, to build emotional connections and encourage a strong sense of meaning in work that aligns with a deeper mission.

Work-Life Balance: Having a flexible approach to work that does not impact your time to elevate wellbeing and reduce burnout. This could be specific work hours especially if you work from home, having a clear 'switch off' times and not working over the weekends when possible.

2. Brand from Inside: Building from the Core

Building a business brand is more than just a logo and a tagline. After building three businesses myself since 2015, I now realise the importance of branding to be noticed and attract clients. Through branding you create emotional connections between what you do, and who you serve, to build trust, authenticity, and consistency. A well-crafted brand can increase how you feel when working, whether it’s your own business, or while working in someone else's business. Here are 3 key tips:

Purpose-Driven Values: Creating a brand with a deeper purpose offers a sense of happiness, and pride and boosts engagement. When you feel proud to represent a company, you become more invested and contribute positively to the overworking atmosphere.

Grow Trust & Credibility: Building a memorable brand creates trust and helps people believe in who you are, and what you do. Being known for your honest practices and quality offers creates a positive environment where people feel good about the impact made.

Prioritise Connections & People: Keeping a strong brand that encourages positive connections, attracts those want to work with and for you - while staying aligned with your overall values and mission. When your brand prioritises people, they are more likely to stay with you, increasing stability and long-term loyalty.

3. Encourage New Thinking: Using Creativity

Creativity is the spark that begins a process of innovation and business growth. After my experience of Burnout, and reconnecting with Creativity both at work and in everyday life, everything became more balanced and fulfilling. Creativity at work brings a sense of personal happiness, as it you can explore your passions and your true self. Here are 3 ways to do this:

Creative & Wellbeing Friendly Environment: Offering spaces for new ideas, brainstorming, openness, balance, and reflection, can nurture creativity. Leading to innovation, with new solutions while increasing productivity, job satisfaction and happiness.

Empower Individual Choice: Promote open communicate, learn new skills, take on new responsibilities, or complete ownership of a project. Anything away from typical ‘routine work’ can offer a chance to make decisions that empower from within.

See Failure as a Learning Opportunity: When you view failure as a stepping stone, it encourages a sense of growth, risk-taking and exploration. When you remove the fear of failure, you begin to push boundaries, which leads to more breakthroughs that contribute to an overall sense of happiness.

Final Thoughts

As a brand consultant and connections expert, I have witnessed first hand how culture, branding, and creativity together contribute to workplace happiness and business to thrive.

In the current world of work and business, happiness is not just a simple emotion; it's a long-term plan to create a more fulfilling workplace environment where you can be inspired and thrive.

By focusing on the culture, brand, and creativity, within your company, you can create an environment where happiness flourishes - this benefits you as an individual, your colleagues and customers. Finally, a commitment to creativity fuels new ideas, innovation empowers people and inspires overall happiness - these elements can be transformational for your business for more happiness and fulfilment.

I hope you have found value in this article, please leave a comment with your thoughts. If you would like to know more about brand strategy or would like to develop your own, get in touch for more.

Speak soon,

Kerrie Louise

Founder | Brand Up Boss


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