Changing your Career: 5 telltale signs to decide you're ready for a New Path

When working a 9 to 5 role, it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind. You wake up, take the same route to work, log in at the same time, and engage in similar tasks day after day. Sounds exciting, right? Well, not for everyone. There comes a point in many people's careers when they feel an urge to find more purpose, transition or make a pivot due to outgrowing their current roles, feeling bored, unfulfilled, and disconnected from their true selves.

In this blog post, drawing from my personal journey, moving from a Criminal Justice Professional to the creative sector to focus on brand experiences, innovation & creativity, I'll give you tips, action steps and strategies to recognise the right time to change your career and how to navigate this time of transition.

Recognising the Signs

The first step in making a successful career transition is recognising when it's time to make a change. Here are five key signs to look for:

1. Losing your Passion in Your Role

Firstly, if you no longer enjoy your role and feel you've lost your sense of self, it's a sign that a change may be necessary. In my experience, I realized that while my job was comfortable and secure, it no longer sparked joy or offered personal growth. This lack of fulfilment is a clear signal that it's time to re-evaluate your career path.

Taking Action: Reflect on what aspects of your job you used to enjoy and what's changed. This introspection can guide you towards a career that reignites your passion.

2. Work Impacts your Mental Wellbeing

Your role should never compromise your mental well-being. If you're experiencing stress, anxiety, or unhappiness that stems from your job, it's crucial to consider a change. Remember, no job is worth sacrificing your mental health.

Taking Action: Prioritise your self-care, find a creative outlet and seek professional advice if needed. Sometimes, talking to a therapist or mentor can provide clarity and empower you to make a positive change.

3. Your Creativity is Starving

For creative thinkers, feeling held back by leadership can be particularly deflating. If you find that your ideas are consistently undervalued or ignored, it might be time to look for an environment where your creativity can thrive. 

Taking Action: Start a side project or hobby that allows you to express your creativity. This can also be a bridge or pathway towards a new career that values your innovative thinking.

4. Unhealthy Working Environment

An unhealthy, unsafe, or toxic work environment is a definite red flag. No job should compromise your safety or dignity. If you find yourself in such a situation, it's imperative to plan an exit strategy.

Taking Action: Document instances of toxicity or safety issues and seek advice from HR, become familiar with your rights at work and gain further knowledge from a legal professional when necessary. Begin networking and searching for new opportunities in healthier environments and set yourself a clear plan to move away from your current role.

5. You Aspire to Lead or Entrepreneur

If you're ready to move towards an executive role or entrepreneurship, it's essential to prepare for this transition including a business plan, brand strategy and ways to create a sustainable, long-term income. As someone who took the leap into entrepreneurship, there will be challenges, but this does not compare to the rewards it brings.

Successful Transition Tips

Once you've recognised the signs that it's time to change, the next step is to make a successful transition to a new career. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

1. Self-Assessment and Market Research

Understand your interests, core skills, passions, values, strengths, weaknesses, and the overall skills market. Use tools like a SWOT analysis or developing your value statement to evaluate yourself and discover more about industries that interest you.

2. Networking and Mentorship

Build a network in the field you wish to pursue. Attend industry events, join professional groups, and seek mentorship. The new insights and connections you gain can be invaluable in building your new professional journey.

3. Upgrade your Skills

Invest in yourself. Whether it’s additional certifications, workshops, or online courses, ensure your skills are aligned with your new career path.

4. Develop a Career Change Strategy

Plan each step of your career move including tailoring your job search and building your personal brand. Try not to apply for random professional roles; target positions that fit your deeper values, skills and long term aspirations. Also update your CV and cover letter for each application to highlight your key transferable skills.

5. Prepare yourself Emotionally & Financially

Prepare for emotional ups and downs. A career change can be challenging and may take time. Stay patient and resilient. In addition, ensure you have financial stability during this transition, it is suggested to have at enough to cover at least the next 3-6 months of your outgoing monthly payments. This might mean saving up or having a part-time job as a safety net.

Final Thoughts

Knowing when to change your career is a deeply personal decision, but it often comes down to listening to your inner voice. If your current role no longer aligns with your values, aspirations, or wellbeing, it may be time to explore new horizons.

Remember that change, while scary, opens doors to new possibilities. It's not just about dreaming of a fulfilling career but actively chasing it to feel more fulfilled and happier long-term.. The biggest hurdle is often the fear of the unknown. But beyond that fear lies opportunity and deeper satisfaction. Trust yourself, prioritise your happiness, and don't shy away from that first step towards change.

As you reflect on your own career journey, ask yourself: 'What does my ideal professional life look like, and how does my current role align with this vision?'.

If there's a gap, what small step can you take today towards a career that feels more aligned with your true self? Remember, every great journey begins with a single step. Are you ready to take yours?

Speak soon,

Kerrie Louise

Founder | Brand Up Boss


Achieve more Happiness in your Work: Using the Power of Creativity