Building a strong brand with strategy: 7 ways to grow & scale

Building a brand is one of the most important steps to making an impact and influence, but it is now more competitive than ever to stand out amongst the crowd.

If you are not already aware, your brand is what others see before you communicate with them, which paints a picture of who you are, what you do and what you represent. It is what makes you recognisable, as you are easily identified with a strong brand. The strategy of brand building can also include your expertise and uniqueness, which when added together is the key to growth and progress within the online and business space.

When you have a clear brand, the basis of what you do helps you to stand out in a world full of noise. By the word 'noise', what we really mean is the places where all your new prospects, customers, and potential business opportunities find you.

By creating a strong, stand-out brand, you become the one that everyone wants to talk about, work with and communicate; giving you the lead in credibility - people who love, trust and follow what you do.

The truth is, there is no simple way to build a brand, it takes time. But, with the right strategy, you'll create a brand where you no longer have to introduce yourself.

If your goal is to become the trusted source, the one who shows up confidently, all the time, building a brand is the best way to do this. By showing your true self, in ways that align with your deepest values, you begin to grow authentically, which makes those who share the same values naturally connect with you.

In this post, I’ll share several of my top picks so you can build yourself a strong brand, stand out, and connect with those who matter the most:

1. Differentiate your brand:

"To be irreplaceable, one must be different" ~ Coco Chanel

Brands that show they're different, are the ones that make more impact. People connect best with those who share similar values, with a personality and vibe that does not follow the masses. When you are creating your brand, finding your own spark to differentiate your brand, can show others how you are different to the rest - especially this currently crowded market.

Positioning yourself and your brand seperately from any competitors (or others in your field or niche), can be done in many ways. This could be through the unique value you offer your brand personality, your service menu and product offerings.

By differentiating your brand, you increase your visibility and position yourself for more opportunities to achieve success.

2. Stay true to your values:

When you know what drives you, especially your deepest values, this creates more reasons for people to connect with you. There are some things you hold at the forefront of your heart, the things that truly mean the world to you. By staying true to your values, you attract those who share the same values, and will cheer lead you all the way.

It is important to stay true to your brand's values and overall mission, as this will help to create a sense of trust and credibility with others, particularly new prospects and customers.

3. Engage with your audience:

To build a strong brand, your audience and potential customers are always a priority. As a result, this requires you to establish a deep connection with your target audience.

You can do this using your social media channels, sending regular emails, or creating new ways for them to notice your brand to improve their chances of engaging with you.

4. Focus on customer experience:

The way a customer experiences your brand is a key part of strong brand building. A positive brand experience is more likely to encourage a customer to return while telling her friends all about you. However, with any negative experience, there is little chance of them returning.

Having a positive experience that focuses on delighting your customers gives you more credibility, and showcases your true brand values to build an authentic connection. It can also be highlighted in the products and services you offer, to meet (and exceed) customer expectations, and your whole customer approach.

5. Consistency:

Now, the term "be consistent" can be used very loosely online sometimes. When we talk about consistency, we are talking about giving the same feel, vibe, personality, overall look, and timings, throughout your contact and engagement online. All of your brand communication should match your style, and the message you share with your audience.

When you are consistent with your brand, you become easily recognisable and remembered. Your audience will know it's you simply by the style, words or tone of voice used. Being consistent helps to retain your current audience, and attract new ones, who may have just become aware of your brand.

Your first steps in building consistency are:

  • Get clear on what you want to share with the world

  • Have a clear brand strategy to communicate your message

  • Use the same style of personality, words, and tone in your content

6. Develop a clear brand strategy & identity:

Your brand strategy is the plan and process you take to deliver your overall mission and message to your audience. It provides an opportunity for you to be clear on the parts of you (and your brand) that you share, including how you do this. This goes hand in hand with your brand identity - the colours, logos, typography and visual design that forms part of your brand, and makes you, you!

Having a clear brand strategy promotes a consistent message to your audience, which helps to build your credibility and make you appear more authentic and real.

7. Build partnerships and collaborations:

When you first start out it may be easier to do a lot of the brand-building alone. But in the real world, connecting and collaborating is an important part of building a strong brand.

Creating a partnership can be as simple as reaching out to another person or business in your area of expertise to see if they will work with you. In terms of collaboration, you can work with other brands and influencers on a content piece, or project to showcase you your audience (and the collaborator) to increase visibility and build the credibility of your brand.

Building a strong brand…

It can feel like a long process, however with a clear strategy to communicate your value message, it makes the process simple.

Building a Strong Brand: Final Thoughts

While building a strong brand can be a process if you have a strategy in place to engage with your audience and communicate your message, it makes the process simple.

By following these action steps, you can build a strong brand that resonates with your audience and gives you the stands out advantage in the marketplace.

I hope you have found value in this article, please leave a comment with your thoughts. If you would like to know more about brand strategy or would like to develop your own, feel free to get in touch.

Speak soon,

Kerrie Louise


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